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Crafting system API

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The crafting system API enables you to create, modify and delete crafting systems. It is exposed by the Fabricate API at (the FabricateAPI#systems property). The CraftingSystemAPI implements the CraftingSystemAPI interface, described below.

Interface definition

CraftingSystemAPI Interface
 * An API for managing crafting systems.
 * @interface
interface CraftingSystemAPI {

     * Clones a Crafting System by ID.
     * @async
     * @param {string} craftingSystemId - The ID of the Crafting System to clone.
     * @returns {Promise<CraftingSystem>} A Promise that resolves with the newly cloned Crafting System, or rejects with
     *   an Error if the Crafting System is not valid or cannot be cloned.
    cloneById(craftingSystemId: string): Promise<CraftingSystem>;

     * Creates a new crafting system with the given details. If no details are provided, a default crafting system is
     *  created. The crafting system id is generated automatically.
     * @async
     * @param {object} options - The crafting system details.
     * @param {string} [] - The name of the crafting system.
     * @param {string} [options.summary] - A brief summary of the crafting system.
     * @param {string} [options.description] - A more detailed description of the crafting system.
     * @param {string} [] - The name of the person or organization that authored the crafting system.
     * @returns {Promise<CraftingSystem>} A Promise that resolves with the newly created `CraftingSystem` instance, or
     *  rejects with an Error if the crafting system is not valid.
    create({ name, summary, description, author }?: { name?: string, summary?: string, description?: string, author?: string }): Promise<CraftingSystem>;

     * Retrieves the crafting system with the specified ID.
     * @param {string} id - The ID of the crafting system to retrieve.
     * @returns {Promise<CraftingSystem | undefined>} A Promise that resolves with the crafting system, or undefined if
     *  it does not exist.
    getById(id: string): Promise<CraftingSystem | undefined>;

     * Saves a crafting system.
     * @async
     * @param {CraftingSystem} craftingSystem - The crafting system to save.
     * @returns {Promise<CraftingSystem>} A Promise that resolves with the saved crafting system, or rejects with an
     *  error if the crafting system is not valid, or cannot be saved.
    save(craftingSystem: CraftingSystem): Promise<CraftingSystem>;

     * Creates or overwrites a crafting system with the given details. This operation is intended to be used when
     *   importing a crafting system from a JSON file. Most users should use `create` or `save` crafting systems
     *   instead.
     * @async
     * @param craftingSystemData - The crafting system data to insert.
     * @returns {Promise<CraftingSystem>} A Promise that resolves with the saved crafting system, or rejects with an
     *   error if the crafting system is not valid, or cannot be saved.
    insert(craftingSystemData: CraftingSystemImportData): Promise<CraftingSystem>;

     * Deletes a crafting system by ID.
     * @async
     * @param {string} id - The ID of the crafting system to delete.
     * @returns {Promise<CraftingSystem | undefined>} - A Promise that resolves to the deleted crafting system or
     *  undefined if the crafting system with the given ID does not exist.
    deleteById(id: string): Promise<CraftingSystem | undefined>;

     * The Notification service used by this API. If `notifications.isSuppressed` is true, all notification messages
     * will print only to the console. If false, notification messages will be displayed in both the console and the UI.
     * */
    notifications: NotificationService;

     * Retrieves all crafting systems.
     * @async
     * @returns {Promise<CraftingSystem[]>} A Promise that resolves with all crafting systems.
    getAll(): Promise<Map<string, CraftingSystem>>;


The crafting system object

Crafting systems implement the CraftingSystem interface, described below:

CraftingSystem Interface
 * A crafting system is a set of rules that define how items can be crafted. Crafting systems contain additional
 *   details that can be used to display information about the crafting system to the user.
interface CraftingSystem {

     * The unique identifier for the crafting system.
    readonly id: string;

     * Whether or not the crafting system is embedded with Fabricate. Embedded crafting systems are not editable, except
     *   for the `isDisabled` property.
    readonly isEmbedded: boolean;

     * Whether or not the crafting system is disabled. Disabled crafting systems are not available for use in Fabricate.
     *   Their components cannot be salvaged, and their recipes cannot be crafted.
    isDisabled: boolean;

     * The details of the crafting system.
    details: CraftingSystemDetails;

     * Converts the crafting system to a JSON object.
    toJson(): CraftingSystemJson;

     * Creates a clone of the crafting system.
     * @param id - The unique identifier for the new crafting system.
     * @param name - The name of the new crafting system.
     * @param embedded - Whether the new crafting system should be embedded with Fabricate. Defaults to `false`.
    clone({id, name, embedded}: { name?: string; id: string; embedded?: boolean }): CraftingSystem;

     * Determines whether the crafting system is equal to another crafting system.
     * @param other - The other crafting system to compare to this one.
     * @param excludeDisabled - Whether to exclude the `isDisabled` property from the comparison. Defaults to `false`.
    equals(other: CraftingSystem, excludeDisabled: boolean): boolean;



The examples below illustrate how to use the crafting system API to create, modify and delete crafting systems.

Create a crafting system

You need to create a crafting system before you can create essences, components, or recipes. To create a crafting system, call, passing in the crafting system details.

const myCraftingSystemData = {
    name: "My new crafting system",
    summary: "A system created using the Fabricate API",
    description: "Made for testing out the API",
    author: "Me!"

const craftingSystem = await;
console.log(`Created crafting system with ID "${}"`); // <-- You'll need this to edit the crafting system later
// If you *do* forget the Crafting system ID you can retrieve it later using

Getting a crafting system by ID

You can retrieve a crafting system by calling, passing in the ID of the crafting system to retrieve.

const myCraftingSystemId = "my-crafting-system-id"; // <-- You'll need to replace this with the ID of your crafting system
const craftingSystem = await;

Edit a crafting system

You can edit a crafting system by calling, passing in the crafting system to edit. You can modify any property of a crafting system this way, except for the crafting system ID. However, embedded crafting systems (those that ship with Fabricate) are read-only except for their isDisabled property.

const myCraftingSystemId = "my-crafting-system-id"; // <-- You'll need to replace this with the ID of your crafting system
const craftingSystem = await; = "A cool new name";
craftingSystem.details.description = "An equally interesting description";
const craftingSystemAfterSave = await;

Delete a crafting system

You can delete a crafting system by calling, passing in the ID of the crafting system to delete.

const myCraftingSystemId = "my-crafting-system-id"; // <-- You'll need to replace this with the ID of your crafting system
const craftingSystem = await;
console.log(`Deleted crafting system with ID "${}"`);